Advanced Style: 5 Ways Your Gran Can Be Your Guru

4. “Always let a boy chase… and stick things out”

Gran would never swipe left, go to a seedy bar and booty call a guy (mainly because she didn’t have a mobile). Her advice for swinging singles would be to join a club, let the man hunt and give things a chance to develop. As a woman, you can ‘flirt’ or ‘drop hints’ … and it wouldn’t hurt to smile.​

If this offends your sensibilities, try it only if your previous man hunting efforts have been largely lacklustre. Without her advice, I would not have met my hubby. Relationships are compromise and that’s kind of tough sometimes for me because I’m bossy.
While dating these days can be frustrating and confusing. With all of the technology, apps and hook-ups, things can get complicated – and that’s just for married people!  

Gran taught me to hang in there, remember that perfection doesn’t exist and never be too proud to apologise first. And most importantly, treasure a gentleman, expect to be treated well and sometimes, leave him wanting more.  

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